Ahh!-Ghost August closes with a contemplative thriller. Are we chasing a mind-controlling serial killer, or just on the tail of a nasty ghost?
Check out ghostpartyparty.com! Scare up some fun looking at our movie posters for all our episodes!
Song Credit: DON'T MAKE TERRY WAIT by Dr Sparkles licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Artwork by Kelsey Henry and Andrew Santoro
Edited, Produced, and Recorded by Andrew Santoro and Kelsey Henry
Hey there, ghost again, back with a movie about were-ghosts and the ghosts that bit them.
Check out ghostpartyparty.com! Scare up some fun looking at our movie posters for all our episodes!
Song Credit: DON'T MAKE TERRY WAIT by Dr Sparkles licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Artwork by Kelsey Henry and Andrew Santoro
Edited, Produced, and Recorded by Andrew Santoro and Kelsey Henry
This week's movie is sending you and your ears to Hell...the theme park! Family friendly by day, but demon friendly by night. With special guests Philip Thorne and Oystein Ulsberg Brager from The Amelia Project!
Check out ghostpartyparty.com for the movie poster! Every big money movie has a poster, just like every Hell theme park has a devil.
Song Credit: DON'T MAKE TERRY WAIT by Dr Sparkles licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Artwork by Kelsey Henry and Andrew Santoro
Edited, Produced, and Recorded by Andrew Santoro and Kelsey Henry
Save the mall or save them all from living in a town with a run-down mall. It's just business to Mall Ghost!
Check out ghostpartyparty.com! By ghost law, this week's movie poster should have 100 ghosts on it, or 100 more than every other poster on our blog.
Song Credit: DON'T MAKE TERRY WAIT by Dr Sparkles licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Artwork by Kelsey Henry and Andrew Santoro
Edited, Produced, and Recorded by Andrew Santoro and Kelsey Henry
We kick off our second annual Ahh-Ghost August with a ghost movie about a ghost writer in a ghost town.
Check out ghostpartyparty.com! What movie poster doesn't have a ghost on it by this point.
Song Credit: DON'T MAKE TERRY WAIT by Dr Sparkles licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Artwork by Kelsey Henry and Andrew Santoro
Edited, Produced, and Recorded by Andrew Santoro and Kelsey Henry